Redmi Note 4 MTK Firmware and Flashing
Error while flashing it may caused not match with SP Flashtool version or you downgrade the firmware. When you see this error while flashing Redmi Note 4 MTK:
How exactly to avoid an error while flashing Redmi Note 4 MTK? You should download latest fastboot firmware for Redmi Note 4 MTK (remember that fastboot firmware means flashable through SP Flashtool, different with Redmi Note 4 Qualcomm, the fastboot firmware is flashable using MiFlash).
- Redmi Note 4 MTK Latest Global Stable Version Fastboot File Download
- SP Flashtool specific version (you can download from link below
- Extract all downloaded files, Open SP Flashtool and load scatter
- Un-check preloader section to avoid dead boot Redmi Note 4 MTK
- If you only need to hard reset (forgot pattern or ask an email just flash onyl userdata section)
- Attach Redmi Note 4 MTK (you have try with pressed volume up or down only)
- Wait until update finished
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