
Malwarebytes | Free Anti-Malware & Internet Security Software

With Malwarebytes program you can secure your computer and data from being watched or stolen, download Malwarebytes free. Malware is malicious software engineered to work for its makers, and not for the computer user. Malware might steal your identity, install unwanted programs, or encrypt and hold your digital files for ransom. As a term, “malware” covers all sorts of malicious software, including Trojans, spyware, adware, ransomware, and viruses. Malware is now often delivered by exploiting flaws (“exploits”) in legitimate programs.

How Malwarebytes works
  • Scan for malware Industry-leading scanner finds malware that antivirus software doesn't.
  • Malware removal Stop pop-ups and remove annoying, malicious, and unwanted malware.
  • Internet security Real-time internet Security Software protects you from harmful websites & downloads.

Anti-Malware Download

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