
Prediksi Soal UN Bahasa Inggris SMK Kelompok Teknologi, Kesehatan dan Pertanian 2017

Prediksi Soal UN Bahasa Inggris SMK Kelompok Teknologi, Kesehatan dan Pertanian 2017 - Pada kesempatan kali ini kami akan memberikan contoh latihan soal bahasa indonesia untuk soal pra ujian nasional yang khususnya untuk sma program studi ipa. Prediksi soal bahasa indonesia ini merupakan soal Tryout UN SMK 2017 oleh dinas pendidikan propinsi DKI Jakarta dan Tangerang.

Contoh soal UN ini Universitas Gunadarma merupakan soal yang valid sebagai bahan latihan UN SMK 2017 karena telah disusun sesuai Kisi-kisi SKL UN 2017. Dan dalam beberapa tahun ini kami telah meninjau dengan keakuratan soal ujian nasional ini yang memang sangat tepat dan tidak meleset dengan soal UN yang sesungguhnya.

Ini bukanlah sebuah bocoran soal ujian nasional, namun ini hanyalah sebuah sarana untuk bekal dalam pembelajaran soal soal ujian nasional yang dapat adik adik latih dirumah untuk persiapan ujian nasional yang sebenarnya.

Prediksi Soal UN Bahasa Inggris SMK Kelompok Teknologi, Kesehatan dan Pertanian 2017






Kelompok Teknologi, Kesehatan dan Pertanian      



(Paket Soal A) 


P E T U N J U K   U M U M 
1.  Sebelum  mengerjakan  ujian,  telitilah  terlebih  dahulu  jumlah  dan  nomor  halaman  yang 
terdapat pada naskah ujian. 
2.  Tulislah  nomor  peserta  saudara  pada  lembar  jawaban,  sesuai  dengan  petunjuk  yang 
diberikan oleh panitia. 
3.  Bacalah dengan cermat setiap petunjuk yang menjelaskan cara menjawab soal. 
4.  Jawablah  dahulu  soal-soal  yang  menurut  saudara  mudah,  kemudian  lanjutkan  dengan 
menjawab soal-soal yang lebih sukar sehingga semua soal terjawab. 
5.  Tulislah  jawaban  saudara  pada  lembar  jawaban  ujian  yang  disediakan  dengan  cara  dan 
petunjuk yang telah diberikan oleh petugas. 
6.  Untuk keperluan coret-mencoret dapat menggunakan tempat yang luang pada naskah ujian 
ini dan jangan sekali-kali menggunakan lembar jawaban. 
7.  Selama ujian saudara tidak diperkenankan bertanya atau minta penjelasan mengenai soal-
soal yang diujikan kepada siapapun, termasuk pengawas ujian. 
8.  Setelah  ujian  selesai,  harap  saudara  tetap  duduk  di  tempat  saudara  sampai  pengawas 
datang ke tempat saudara untuk mengumpulkan lembar jawaban. 
9.  Perhatikan  agar  lembar  jawaban  ujian  tidak  kotor,  tidak  basah,  tidak  terlipat  dan  tidak 
10.  Kode naskah ujian  ini  
P E T U N J U K   K H U S U S 
1.  Jumlah soal sebanyak 50 butir yang terdiri dari 15 soal listening test dan 35 soal written test. 
2.  Pilihlah salah satu jawaban yang paling tepat dengan menghitamkan pada salah satu huruf 
a, b, c,  atau d di Lembar Jawaban. 
3.  Untuk membetulkan jawaban, hapuslah dengan karet penghapus sampai bersih, kemudian 
hitamkan jawaban yang benar  


PRA UN SMK 2017  1 

PART I. Directions: There are three items in this part. For each item, you will see a picture on your test 
paper  and  you  will  hear  four  short  statements.  The  statements  will  be  spoken 
TWICE. They will not be printed on your test paper, so you must listen carefully 
to understand what the speakers say. When you hear the four statements, look at 
the picture on your test paper and choose the statement that best describes what 
you  see  in  the  picture.  Then,  on  your  answer  sheet,  find  the  number  of  the 
question and mark your answer.  
Look at the sample below. Now listen to the four statements: 
Sample Answer :   
Statement (B),  
the picture. Therefore, you should mark (B) on your answer sheet.  
one (1) on your test paper. 
1.      2.                                                       3. 
PART II. Directions: There are four items in this part of the test. For each item, you will hear a question 
or  statement  spoken  in  English  followed  by  three  responses,  also  spoken  in 
English.  They  will  be  spoken  TWICE.  They  will  not  be  printed  on  your  test 
paper, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers say.  You are 
to  choose  the  best  response  to  each  question  or  statement  and  mark  it  on  your 
answer sheet. 
Now listen to a sample question.         
You will hear    :      Sample Answer 
You will also hear  :        

A  C  D 

In this section of the test you will  have the chance to show how well you understand spoken English. 
There are four parts to this section with special directions for each part.  

  B  C

PRA UN SMK 2017  2 

The best respon Sure. That 
would be better. erefore you should mark (C) on your answer sheet.  
four (4) on your test paper. 
4.  Mark your answer on your answer sheet 
5.  Mark your answer on your answer sheet 
6.  Mark your answer on your answer sheet 
7.  Mark your answer on your answer sheet 
PART III. Directions: There are four items in this part of the test. For each item you will hear a short 
conversation  between  two  people.  You  will  hear  the  conversations  TWICE. 
They  will  not  be  printed  on  your  test  paper,  so  you  must  listen  carefully  to 
understand what the speakers say. On your test paper, you will read a question 
about  each  conversation. The  question  will  be  followed  by  four  answers.  You 
are to choose the best answer to each question and mark it on your answer sheet. 
 eight (8) on your test paper. 
8.  What did the man do to the woman? 
A.  Tell director about her new audition. 
B.  Suggest her to try any opportunities. 
C.  Tell her about the new movie. 
D.  Ask her to join the audition. 
9.  What did Leon Uris do? 
A.  He was spy. 
B.  He was bullfighter. 
C.  He wrote about bullfighting. 
D.  He wrote an adventure novel. 
10.  The relationship between the speakers is that they are ... . 
A.  Students 
B.  Principals 
C.  Colleagues 
D.  Job seekers 
11.  What will the people probably do next? 
A.  Postpone their plans. 
B.  Arrange time to meet. 
C.  Travel by themselves. 
D.  Meet some other friends. 
PART IV. Directions: In this part of the test you will hear two short talks. Each will be spoken TWICE. 
They  will  not  be  printed  on  your  test  paper,  so  you  must  listen  carefully  to 
understand and remember what is said. On your test paper, you will read two or 
more  questions  about  each  short  talk.  Each  question  will  be  followed  by  four 
answers. You have to choose the best answer to each question and mark it on your 
answer sheet. 
rt talk. 
12.  Who is the speaker?

PRA UN SMK 2017  3 

A.  The employees. 
B.  The jacksons. 
C.  The customer. 
D.  The manager. 
13.  Why does the company use a lighter paper? 
A.  To reduce the costs. 
B.  To suggest the customers. 
C.  To direct them to Monica. 
D.  To spend much on supplies. 
14.  The talk is about ... in a manufacture. 
A.  the late shift 
B.  missing materials 
C.  a problem solving  
D.  a supervisor assistant 
15.  What should the workers do before they begin their shift? 
A.  Tell your supervisor. 
B.  Check the inventory. 
C.  Solve the problems. 
D.  Order the materials. 
PART V. Directions:  From questions 16   25, four clauses/sentences, marked (A), (B), (C), or (D), are 
given beneath each incomplete dialog. Choose the one clause/sentence that best 
completes  the  dialog.  Then,  on  your  answer  sheet,  find  the  number  of  the 
question and mark your answer. 
16.  Fizha  : I need to finish this product proposal today and  I have to catch a train at 5:15. 
Alisha  : ... . 
A.  I am sure you can finish it soon. 
C.  Can I give you my hand? 
D.  Can you help me? 
17.  Melati  : What do you usually do during the day ? 
Dika  : I start working at sevenA.M and finish it at seven P.M  
Melati  : You are asales  
Dika  : Absolutely right. 
A.  I meet my siblings for a discussion 
B.  I help the customers to complain 
C.  I sellall the declined products 
D.  I market the products  
18.  Adzkia  : I need to find a lot of sources for my script. Do you have any recommendation? 
Adna  : ... And I think it is easy to do and ofcourse you need reference books. 

In this part of the test you will have the chance to show how well you understand written English. 
There are four parts to this section, with special directions for each part. 

PRA UN SMK 2017  4 

A.  Do you have a calculator? 
B.  The script is not so difficult. 
C.  You can help me find it soon. 
D.  Have you browsedthe internet? 
19.  Firda  : What do you think is the best way for us to get to the conference? 
Baiza  : We take the train. We could get some work done on the way. 
Firda  : ... That is the best plan, I think. 
A.  I am not sure 
B.   think so 
D.  I have no idea about it 
20.  Ibal  : Ilham, are you going to be in your office Thursday morning?If you are not, could I work  
                 there? ... 
Ilham  : You are in luck, Ibal  
A.  I can accompany you all day. 
B.  My office is being painted. 
C.  I left my key there. 
D.  I will be off. 
21.  Supervisor : We are going to have the sales meeting this afternoon. .., please. 
Shinta  : Of course, sir. I still need the sales m  
Supervisor : Do it right away. We  much time. 
A.  Finish the meeting result 
B.  Get the report ready 
C.  Sign the report 
D.  Send it to me 
22.  Aleesha  : Have you made any vacation plans? 
Mika  : Yes. ... . 
B.  I was in London last month 
C.  I went to Dieng with my friends  
D.  I have been to Raja Ampat in Papua 
23.  Memet  : What is Mr. Tito doing ? 
Icut  : ... . 
Memet  : Really ? Is he leaving now ? 
Icut  : Yes. 
A.   going to work the whole day 
D.    bread 
24.  Gatot  : Your math score was so good in the final test. Did you make any preparation? 
Lutfi   understoodall the item tests. 
A.  I joined education exhibition last week 
B.  I   
C.  My brotherwas good in solving the problem 
D.  My teacher gave extra lessons to other school 
25.  Ikrami  : Which sport do you prefer, Fathir? 

PRA UN SMK 2017  5 

A.  I enjoy doing it. 
B.  I am keen on riding horses.  
C.  I like reading sports magazine. 
PART VI. Directions:  Questions 26   31 are based on a selection of text dialogs. Choose the one best 
answer,  (A),  (B),  (C),  or  (D),  to  each  question.  Answer  all  the  questions 
following  each  text  dialog  on  the  basis  of  what  is  stated  or  implied  in  the 
selection. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and mark 
your answer. 
Questions 26   28 are based on the following text dialog. 
26.  Who are Bunga and Dinda? 
A.  Siblings 
B.  Classmates 
C.  Colleagues 
D.  Bookkeepers 
27.  Based on the dialog, Bunga shows her request by asking Dinda ... . 
A.  to   
B.  that she will pick her up 
C.  whether she is free this evening 
D.  to accompany her to Fi  
28.   (last sentence) 
It means that Dinda has to contact Bunga ... after she makes the decision. 
A.  carefully 
B.  directly 
C.  exactly 
D.  surely 
Questions 29   31 are based on the following text dialog. 
29.  What is the purpose of the dialog? 
A.  To inform about the flight reservation 
B.  To tell when the flight gets in 
C.  To check the pick-up service 
D.  To provide the flight service 

Bunga  : Dinda, do you have something to do this evening? If you are free,  
can youaccompany me to go to Fia 

PRA UN SMK 2017  6 

30.  Based on the dialog, What will hotel officer do to Wiena? 
A.  Arrive early to welcome her 
B.  Pick her up at Terminal 1 
C.  Reserve three places 
D.  Run in 20 minutes 
31.  The underlined word in the dialog can be replaced by ... . 
A.  reserved 
B.  polite 
C.  free 
D.  full 
PART VII. Directions: Questions 32   46 are based on a selection of reading materials, such as notices, 
letters,  forms,  articles,  advertisements,  etc.  Choose the  one  best  answer,  (A), 
(B),  (C),  or  (D),  to  each  question.  Answer  all  the  questions  following  each 
reading  selection  on  the  basis  of  what  is  stated  or  implied  in  the  selection. 
Then,  on  your  answer  sheet,  find the  number  of the  question  and  mark  your 
Questions 32   34 are based on the following text. 

32.  What is the text about? 
A.  Radio voice of Lebanon 
B.  Media Training Program 
C.  The quality of information 
D.  Understanding the technology 
33.  What will the NGOs probably do after the discussion? 

UNESCO  Beirut  office  launched  a  Media  training  programme  for  youth  NGOs  to  enhance  their 
communication  skills,  through  enabling  them  to  build  media  relations,  increase  their  capacity  to 
produce media material, push their news through national and international channels, and efficiently 
monitor this process. 

Mr.  George  Awad,  UNESCO  Communication  &  Information  programme  officer,  talked  about  the 
programme, its stages, benefits and the commitments needed from each NGO. This was followed by a 
brief on each NGO current communication status, which was lead by Ms. Nada Hamzeh, UNESCO 

The second session was a panel discussion with Mr. Sam Menassa, General Manager of Radio Voice 
of Lebanon and Mr. Ghassan Hajjar, managing editor at Annahar Newspaper. The two guests shared 

PRA UN SMK 2017  7 

A.  Develop websites and phone applications 
B.  Ask people to be interested to newspaper 
C.  Develop the programs of the panel 
D.  Publish some information 
34.  The underlined word in line 1 paragraph 1  can be replced by ... . 
A.  decrease 
B.  improve 
C.  manage 
D.  reach 
Questions 35   37 are based on the following text. 
35.  What is the purpose of the text ? 
B.  To instruct to grow seedling 
C.  To tell to make our everyday meal 
D.  To tell the procedure of planting rice 
36.  What should we do after selecting the seeds? 
A.  Store them in the storage 
B.  Dry them directly 
C.  Seedling them 
D.  Spread them 
37.   plow   . 
A.  loosen 
B.  plough 
C.  dry 
D.  do 
Questions 38   40 are based on the following text. 

What do you have for everyday meal? Yes, we have rice for our meal. Do you know how do the 
farmers plant the rice? You can learn the following steps to plant rice. 
The  first  step  is  selecting  the  seeds.  Choose  the  seeds  there  are  completely  dry.  These  seeds 
must have been storage at least 40 to 50 days in the storage. 
The second step is seedling the seeds. Prepare the seedbed by hoeing and loosening the soil in 
the watering sufficiently in the surface of seedling. Finally spread the seeds. 
The following step is cultivating the soil. While you are doing rice seedling, you can hoe the 
whole soil for planting. Plow the soil and spread the fertilizer. Mix the fertilizer with the soil 
thoroughly to make the soil fertile. Give the water for about 3 cm above the surface of the soil to 
make the fertilizer settled in the soil. 
The last step is moving the seeds from the seedling to the planting area, pull out the seed 
carefully from the seedling and the root of the seed stick some soil.

PRA UN SMK 2017  8 

A.  To invite people only for a meditation 
B.  To ask people to come to the place 
C.  To learn how to do surfing in Bali 
D.  To describe cities in Indonesia 
39.  In paragraph 2, the writer tries to explain that ... . 
A.  Gamelan will be banned by the local government  
B.  We can do surfing, diving in Uluwatu and Ubud 
C.  There are so many volcanic mountains in Bali 
D.  Monkeys can be endangered in Bali 
40.  The underlined word in the second paragraph is closest in meaning to ... . 
A.  complex 
B.  original 
C.  general 
D.  visible 
Questions 41   43 are based on the following text. 

41.  The text is written to ... . 
A.  know the name of streets, ships and universities in Aceh 
B.  give reward to Queen Elizabeth 1 for the negosiation 
C.  remind us of a heroic woman from Aceh Sultanate 
D.  explain admiral in Aceh Sultanate  

Bali is an Indonesian island known for its forested volcanic mountains, iconic rice paddies, 
beaches  and  coral  reefs.  The  island  is  home  to  religious  sites  such  as  cliffside  Uluwatu 
Temple. To the south, the beachside city of Kuta has lively bars, while Seminyak, Sanur and 
Nusa  Dua  are  popular  resort  towns.  The  island  is  also  known  for  its  yoga  and  meditation  
The southern tip is also world-renowned for its prime surfing spots such as Padang Padang 
and  Uluwatu.  Further  island  is  Ubud,  a  hill  town  known  for  its  spa  treatments,  yoga  and 
ecotourism, which may include a trip to a monkey preserve. Ringing the island are coral reefs 
teeming  with  sea  life,  making  it  a  hot  spot  for  scuba  diving.  You  can  also  get  a  taste  of 
Balinese culture at a gamelan percussion performance or one of thousands of Hindu temples, 
which feature intricate sculpture and regular festivals. 

Keumalahayati,  or  Malahayati(16th  century),  was an  admiral in  the  navy  of  theAceh  Sultanate, 
which  ruled  the  area  of  modernAceh  Province,Sumatra,Indonesia.  She  was  the  first  woman 
admiral in the modern world.  
Malahayati's  reputation  as  the  guardian  of  the  Aceh  Kingdom  ledEnglandto  choose  a  peaceful, 
diplomatic  method  by  which  to  enter  the  Malacca  Strait.  A  letter  fromQueen  Elizabeth  Iwas 
brought  byJames  Lancasterto  the  Sultan,  and  it  was  Malahayati  who  led  the  negotiation  with 
Lancaster. The agreement opened the English route to Java, and they were soon afterwards able to 
build  merchant  offices  inBanten.  Elizabeth  I  rewarded  Lancaster  with  aknighthoodfor  his 
successful diplomacy in Aceh and Banten. 
Malahayati was killed in combat while attacking the Portuguese fleet at Teuluk Krueng Raya. She 
was buried at lereng Bukit Kota Dalam, a small fishing village 34km from Banda Aceh.  
Today, Malahayati has become the namesake for naval ships, universities, hospitals and roads in 
several Sumatran cities.

PRA UN SMK 2017  9 

42.  What did she do in the agreement? 
A.  She led the negosiation with Lancaster 
B.  She built merchant offices in Banten 
C.  She attacked the Portuguse fleet 
D.  She entered Malacca strait 
43.  The underlined word in the text (paragraph 3) is closest in meaning to ... . 
A.  in a battle 
B.  in a trap 
C.  in a gun 
D.  in a trip 
Questions 44   46 are based on the following text. 

44.  What is the topic of the text? 
A.  The railways vendors 
B.  The Ministry Railways 
C.  The invitation for a bid 
D.  Deal between the vendors 
45.  What will the readers do after reading the text? 
A.  Attach the rules 
B.  Visit the websites 
C.  Apply for the tender 
D.  Contact the bid owner 
46.  The underlined word in the text can be replaced by ... . 
A.  revised 
B.  applied 
C.  registered 
D.  accompanied 
Part VIII. Directions:  From questions 47   50, four words/phrases, marked (A), (B), (C), or (D), are 
given beneath a close-test text. Choose the one word/phrase that best completes 
the text. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and mark 
your answer. 

This is to inform that the Ministry of Railways is hereby in need for vendors who can assure an 
efficient and effective delivery of railway coaches as per the directions of the authority from time 
to  time.  
Vendors are expected to go through the attached rules and policies before applying for the same. 
The shortlisted vendors would be invited to attend the bidding to be held at the address mentioned 

PRA UN SMK 2017  10 

Questions 47   50 are based on the following text.  

47. A. reflects 
B. originates 
C. examines 
D. establishes 
48. A.  they 
B. you 
C. we 
D. he 
49. A. powerful 
B. previous 
C. current 

Dear valued customers,  
We  are  excited  to  announce  that  we  are  officially  changing  our  company  name  to  IDP 
Corporation from I&A System effective from November 1, 2014. 
The  new  name  ...  (47)  our  dedication  to  ID  card  industry,  and  significant  expansion  of  the 
business activities since ... (48) first began operating under the name of I&A System in the year 

PRA UN SMK 2017  11 

D. secure 
50. A. of 
B. at 
C. in 
D. to 

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Semoga dengan postingan diatas yang berjudul Prediksi Soal UN Bahasa Inggris SMK Kelompok Teknologi, Kesehatan dan Pertanian 2017 dapat bermanfaat untuk adik adik semua yang sedang mencari beberapa refrensi ataupun mencari contoh soal ujian nasional ini. Dan semoga dapat bermanfaat untuk belajar dirumah untuk persiapan ujian nasional yang sesunggguhnya. Dan jangan lupa untuk share untuk temannya yang membutuhkan contoh latihan soal ini, karena sebuah kebaikan sekecil apapun nantinya akan mendapatangkan kebaikan pula yang lebih besar untuk diri sobat semuanya. 

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